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Arriving in Italy

Hello from Italy!!!

There have been so many adjustments and transitions for our family since we wrote you last. We can honestly say that it has been incredible to watch how God has gone before us. From being ushered through the airports at every stop, the team here helping us every step of the way with paperwork, and an reasonably priced apartment in the center of town open for us... it has been so clear we've been spoiled by God.

The video above gives you a peek into our lives here.

Here's the main summary...

  • We've arrived in country and have been here around a month now.

  • We're have our appointment to finalize our visas here and secure two years permission to live in Italy. The appointment is the first Monday of March.

  • God has made it very clear to us that the need is so great! We are excited to see Jesus change our lives more while we're here and change the lives of people we meet.

Please write us if you have any questions or prayer requests. We love hearing from you.

Much love,

Landon, Rachel, Avila, & Holden



Thank you to all of you on this team who have donated already, We had some big one time givers at the end of 2017 and it has made the transition and all the initial costs with our visas much more feasible. Our monthly financial team is starting to come together too! We are praying more people will join us in reaching Italy with the gospel by supporting financially.

You can check out our donate page for more logistics or click here to give online now or set up automatic monthly payments.


Thank you for praying for us... please send us your prayer requests so we can be praying for you too.

Praise Reports

  • He went before us and has made this difficult transition as smooth as it could be. We still have hard transitions but they're been made easier.

  • For an incredible Italian family that has welcomed us in even though we were just some crazy Americans they met at a market. We've been so blessed by them.

  • God provided for language lessons for both Rach and I! A friend here connected us with someone who wants to do a language swap with Rachel. She is a teacher and will come over after the kids go to sleep one night a week to give Rachel a private lessons. Also, someone is going to pay for Italian private lessons for me. We are so excited!

Answered Prayer (from previous lists)

  • ✓ For our last car to sell. It is on the lot at Downtown Auto Sales in Bakersfield. Believers bought both of our cars before we moved!

  • ✓ For the transition as our family lives with family and friends. We had such amazing hosts, thank you to my fam, Rach's fam, and the Librings!

  • ✓ The perfect apartment and neighbors for our family once we move to Italy. We show a short clip of our place in the video! We love it and its beginning to feel like home.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray we would receive our Permesso di Soggiorno (permission to live) in Italy. This would make us legal here for the next two years.

  • Landon begins teaching a class for the bible college run through the church we're serving with here. Pray the students draw close to Jesus and are encouraged by the time he spends with them.

  • For our family as we continue to try and adjust to the thousands of different things we need to learn and figure out here. We have a lot to learn!

  • Pray for our marriage to be blessed and filled with God's presence, grace, and unity.

  • Quick understanding and retention of the Italian culture and language as we're starting language study soon. Keep praying for this, we are both making progress, but language school and lessons start this week for us.

  • For our financial team that the Lord would lead people to be part of making the work in Italy financially possible. Keep praying for this one, we're so excited to see such a faithful and supportive team being built.





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